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The UK Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) is a collaborative project involving several UK universities. We are constructing a swarm of WASP telescopes (pictured right) capable of surveying our entire sky several times each night.

Our primary aim is the discovery of extra-solar planets using the transit method. We also aim to discover and study a wide range of variable and transient objects. Optical transients might include optical flashes from gamma-ray bursts, shock breakout in supernovae, and transient nuclear activity from supermassive black holes in normal galaxies. The WASP data set will build into an invaluable resource for all-sky time-domain astrophysics.

WASP work at Warwick is carried out by Peter Wheatley. Consortium members can view and download data mining tools for use with the WASP archive. They can also view a series of Data Reports summarising ongoing issues with the archived WASP data.

Please also visit the home page of the WASP Consortium.


The SuperWASP telescope sited on La Palma in the Canary Islands.