The 2019 meeting of the UK Biofluids Special Interest Group will be held at the University of Warwick on the 12th and 13th of September, 2019.
Registration is now closed.
The program includes a first hands-on day aimed at PhD students and PDRAs on the 12th, and a one-day meeting on the 13th with and exciting line-up of talks and two poster sessions. For more informations, click the relevant tabs above.
When: 12th (PhD and PDRA hands-on) and 13th September (meeting) 2019
Where: University of Warwick (directions).
On September 12th, we will be in room P521, in the Physics Department (directions).
On September 13th (main meeting) we will be in room MS.04, in the Mathematics Institute (directions).
Expenses: The Network will cover accommodation expenses and most meals for all participants. Transportation for non-invited participants who are members of the SIG might be reimbursed according to availability of funds.
Posters: PhD/PDRAs are strongly encouraged to present a poster on their work. Please include title and abstract for your poster in your registration.