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Watch our Research Culture videos

A series of videos have been developed to highlight the department's research culture.

Our department commits to a positive research culture and to highlight this Dr Sue Burrows and Dr Reza Kashtiban were granted funding from the University's Research Culture Forum with the idea of developing videos of some of our researchers. Post-doctoral research assistants, fellows and postgraduate students worked with a professional production company who filmed and edited footage as our physicists talked about their research area and their typical working day.

Sue tells us:

"It is important to develop a working culture where everyone can network outside their own research interests and find out about the physics done in other groups. Grants of this type are important to allow people to showcase their research as well as gaining other skills such as media communication. The outcome should also benefit people thinking of a career in physics, as the videos show diversity both of people and areas of interest within physics."

In the future we would like to extend the project and create content for prospective postgraduate students so they can see the typical life of a PhD student.

Watch the research videos.