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Researchfish submission deadline

FINAL REMINDER: we all, staff and RCUK-funded PhD students (normally in their third year of study), have until Thursday, March 16th, 2017 (inclusive) to complete our “researchfish” submissions. Please make sure that you have indeed “submitted”. Your reward should be an email similar to the one I received below. So, if in doubt whether you have indeed been successful in finding the “submit” button on researchfish, you can also search for “successfully submitted the award” among your received emails (please make sure you search the 2017 one, not last years).

Wed 15 Mar 2017, 17:26 | Tags: Funding and Scholarships, Research

IAS Visiting Fellows 2016 (Theory Group and CSC)

The Warwick Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) has invited two leading Chinese professors with a theoretical and computational physics background to spend 1 week at the IAS in collaboration with the Warwick Centre for Scientific Computing, the GRP Materials (Multiscale Modelling) and the Department of Physics. Profs. Lin and Guan are senior professors in the Chinese academic environment. Both have returned from outside mainland China in the last 5 years to take up prestigious positions.

Dr Tremblay awarded £1.5m ERC Grant

Dr. Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, has been awarded a 1.5 million Euro Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The research project entitled "Evolution of white dwarfs with 3D model atmospheres" will soon recruit...

University of Warwick astrophysicist wins Philip Leverhulme Prize

University of Warwick astrophysicist Dr Andrew Levan has been awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize in Astronomy and Astrophysics by the Leverhulme Trust.

The prestigious prize acknowledges Dr Levan’s work within the University’s Department of Physics on the brightest explosions in nature, gamma-ray bursts and supernovae, as well as studies of the distant galaxies where they are made.

The awards, with a value of £70,000 each, are given to outstanding scholars who have made a substantial and recognised contribution to their particular field of study, recognised at an international level, and where the expectation is that their greatest achievement is yet to come.

Dr Levan said: “I’m very honoured to have received this award, which will allow me to drive forward my research into some of the most extreme and enigmatic objects in the Universe”.

The prizes commemorate the contribution to the work of the Trust made by Philip Leverhulme, the Third Viscount Leverhulme and grandson of the founder.

Mon 12 Mar 2012, 09:35 | Tags: Funding and Scholarships, Research, Awards

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