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Our research redefines how societies respond to real-world problems through mutual understanding and technical excellence. Our education enables success for all, encouraging excellence and resourcefulness wherever someone is on their career journey. And our collaborations build relationships of consequence with the smallest of local businesses, through to the most powerful global multinational organisations. Read our latest news below.

WMG Talks

WMG Talks ensures that you hear the stories, inspirations and developments behind our research. Launched in 2019, the series provides the opportunity for audiences of all ages to hear what our experts have to say first-hand. Providing inspiring and informative sessions allowing you to delve deeper into a range of topics, from batteries and 'saving the world' through to advanced materials and recycling.


Our researchers looked at how the environmental impact of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer could be reduced. Read more about the impressive results:

#REF2021 #REFResults
#SustainableResearch @warwickuni