News for 2020

A recent report co-authored by Dr Arun Advani, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, University of Warwick and Co-chair of the national campaig...

We are pleased to report that Rethink Economics Society hosted their first online conference on 31 October to discuss “Public Debt Sustainability and M...

A team of international researchers including economists from the University of Warwick has helped to inform public health messaging adopted by government of...

The eighth edition and the first virtual version of Warwick Economics PhD Conference was held on 6-7 November 2020. The event was organised by PhD students w...

We are delighted to report that Warwick Economics alumna (BSc Economics, Politics and International Studies, 2006) has been selected as one of Financial News...

The Department of Economics, University of Warwick, has published the first episode in its new podcast series, Warwick Econ Sounds.

We are pleased to report that Maike Kusserow, Warwick Economics 2020 graduate and Research in Applied Economics (RAE) Prize Winner has had a short article pu...

We are delighted that you will be joining the Department of Economics this academic year.

The Department is pleased to announce that Economics at Warwick has been ranked 4th in the specialist subject table for Economics in the Times and The Sunday...

Warwick researchers will carry out the first detailed study into the impact of English schools’ conversions to autonomous academies on the teacher labo...

Most European citizens do not particularly care about climate change. That’s the striking finding from new research on the views of 70,000 randomly sam...

We are pleased to announce that the following new members of staff have joined the Department of Economics:

We are delighted to announce that several of our academic staff from the Department of Economics have received promotions over the last few months:

We are delighted to provide a final update on the successes of our Economics PhD job market candidates who have found placements at prestigious universities ...

Arianna Ornaghi from the Department of Economics has been awarded the 2020 EEA Young Economist Award.

The University’s Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA) recognises Warwick students that not only excel academically but find the time to engage...

We are delighted to announce that Robin Naylor, Professor of Economics, is the winner of an Advance HE National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) 2020.

We are pleased to report that the Sutton Trust Summer School (STSS) which ran between 27-31 July was a great success. The programme, offered to Year 12 high ...

The Department of Economics is delighted to announce a new student society which is currently recruiting new members.

Emeritus Professor of Economics and Senior Research Fellow of CAGE, Mark Harrison has been elected as Fellow of the British Academy in recognition of his out...

We are delighted to announce that two of our postgraduate research students have been recognised in the 2020 Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence for Postg...

We are delighted to report that in the National Student Survey (NSS) 2020, 91.4 per cent of our students in the Department of Economics said that they were s...

Henry Tse and Avan Tam, two final year students studying BSc Economics were selected to represent the University of Warwick amongst a team of four at the BI ...

Tributes have been made to Ben Knight, Professor of Practice and Associate Professor of Economics, who has sadly passed away at the age of 78.

A Warwick Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) student was recently selected as a finalist to present her Research in Applied Economics (RAE) paper onlin...

Researchers from the Department of Economics and CAGE Research Centre, University of Warwick are part of an initiative by the economic research community tha...

To mark ten years since Chancellor George Osborne delivered the “austerity budget,” the CAGE Research Centre at the University of Warwick has pub...

As conferences worldwide have been cancelled in the wake of Covid-19 and due to stringent lockdown measures, Economics PhD student Ivan Yotzov has co-organis...

We are proud to announce that Karmini Sharma, a PhD student in the Department of Economics, has been selected as one of the qualified Young Economists for th...

A Warwick Economics student - Christian Orr, was part of a team that represented the University of Warwick at the John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition ...

A new e-book co-edited by economics historian Professor Mark Harrison from the Department of Economics and Stephen Broadberry has been published in the week ...

Dr Claudia Rei, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, comments on reports that the conoravirus may cause a bigger fall in UK GDP than the South...

Lack of co-ordination between countries can result in excessive delays to their handling of pandemics, modelling from researchers at the University of Warwic...

Researchers from the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick and the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) have examined the change in the r...

Central banks throughout the world are charged not only with price stability, but also with maintaining financial stability. For example, the Federal Reserve...

Although the job market season is not yet concluded, Economics job market candidates have had some great results so far.

We are delighted to announce that a record number of 18 Economics undergraduate students have been accepted to present their papers at the British Conference...

We are pleased to report that on 18-19 January 2020, the Department of Economics hosted the first event of this kind in the UK - Women in Economics Student W...

A Warwick Economics alumna has won the Investment Week "Investment Woman of the Year (Small/Medium Firms)" Award in recognition of her work as a Policy Lead.