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New report on sexism in schools launched

report coverIER’s Gaby Atfield, Erika Kispeter and Clare Lyonette have been commissioned by the National Education Union (NEU) and UK Feminista to conduct research on sexism in UK schools.

The report summarising the findings will be launched today (12 December 2017) at the Houses of Parliament.

Key findings from the research include:

                                • Over a third (37%) of girls at mixed-sex schools have been sexually harassed while at school.
                                • Over a third (34%) of primary school teachers say they witness gender stereotyping in their schools on at least a weekly basis.
                                • 64% of teachers in mixed-sex secondary schools hear sexist language in schools on at least a weekly basis.
                                • Students generally do not report sexism: only 14% of those who experienced sexual harassment told a teacher and 6% who heard the use of sexist language reported it.

                                UK Feminista and the NEU call on the Government, Ofsted and schools to take urgent action to challenge sexism and sexual harassment in schools. The report is based on a survey of 1508 secondary school students and 1634 teachers at secondary and primary schools in England and Wales. Discussion groups were also conducted with secondary school students.

                                Full report: National Education Union and UK Feminista (2017) “It’s just everywhere”: A study on sexism in schools - and how we tackle it.

                                Fri 12 Jan 2018, 14:26 | Tags: schools