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IER joins JUST-Systems project to examine implications of Net Zero for domiciliary care

Achieving a Just Transition to Net Zero is one of the defining challenges of modern times. At IER, we're excited to be part of the newly announced Just-Systems project, funded by UKRI and led by the University of Aberdeen.

Fri 31 Jan 2025, 12:05 | Tags: news, social care, technology

Going to work in others’ homes: older women in the caregiving workforce

In this book chapter Philip Taylor and co-authors Phillippa Carnemolla and Jane Bringolf consider issues of aged care work that is carried out in people's homes and viewed as workplaces.

Fri 19 Apr 2024, 14:30 | Tags: news, social care

Essential capabilities for managing an aged care workforce

Effective management and leadership in social care are essential for effective care worker performance, which, in turn, enables high-quality care.

This research report, commissioned by the Australian Association of Gerontology and written by IER's Professor Philip Taylor, highlights the critical need to understand better the nature and challenges of care management and leadership against a backdrop of growing demand for care and predicted shortfalls in the supply of workers to the sector.

Tue 27 Feb 2024, 12:00 | Tags: news, social care

Improving social care in Australia

In September, along with Sydney University colleagues Dr Angie Knox and Prof. Phil Bohle, Dr Sally Wright and Prof. Chris Warhurst of IER submitted evidence to the Australian Senate’s Select Committee Inquiry into Work and Care.

Thu 06 Oct 2022, 10:58 | Tags: social care

Workplace innovations in the UK social care and Swedish health sectors

Dr Sally Wright co-authored a journal article about workplace innovations in the UK social care and Swedish health sectors. The article, based on case studies completed for the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Quality of Jobs and Innovation-generated Employment Outcomes (QuInnE) project, was recently published in the European Journal of Workplace Innovation.

Mathieu, C., Wright, S., Boethius, S. and Green, A. (2020). 'Innovations on a shoestring: Consequences for job quality of public service innovations in health and social care', European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 5(2): 4-30.

Fri 07 Aug 2020, 08:27 | Tags: innnovation, social care

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