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IER Dr Michael Orton - Research projects




  • The role of parents in providing careers guidance and how they can be better supported. With Sally-Anne Barnes, Michael Orton, Jenny Bimrose, Sally Wright, John Gough (Centre for Lifelong Learning). Funded by The Gatsby Foundation. Project Start Date 01/08/2019 - Project End Date: 31/12/2020 [details]


  • Research into the educational psychology workforce in England. Department for Education. Project Start Date: 18/06/2018 - Project End Date: 17/10/2018. [details].
  • Commission on Social Security- led by Experts by Experience. Funded by: Trust for London. Project Start Date: 01/08/2018 - Project End Date: 28/02/2022 [details]
  • The future of social security: underpinning principles. Funded by Trust for London. Project End Date: 31/07/2018


  • Solving Poverty: Reforming Social Security/Welfare Benefits. Funded by Joseph Rowntree. Project Start Date: 01/09/2017 - End Date: 31/12/2017 [details]
  • Theory and Practive of Change for a World without Poverty. Funded by: Webb Memorial Trust. Project Start Date: 01/02/2916 - Project End Date: 31/07/2017


  • The Long-term Impact of Debt Advice on Low Income Households, Funded by: Friends Provident Foundation, Project Start Date: 01/07/2007 Project End Date: 31/12/2013 [details]Link opens in a new window


  • Changing employment structure and implications for poverty and inequality, with Prof Robert A Wilson, Institute for Employment Research, Dr Lynn M Gambin - Institute for Employment Research Dr David W Owen - Institute for Employment Research Professor Anne E Green - Institute for Employment Research Dr Michael J Orton - Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Project Start Date: 31/01/2011 Project End Date: 30/11/2011
  • Income Inequality - Making Sense of British Social Attitudes, with Professor Karen Rowlingson (University of Birmingham), Funded by: ESRC, Project Start Date: 01/01/2009 Project End Date: 26/11/2011 [details]Link opens in a new window
  • National Evaluation of the City Strategy Pathfinders Stage 2, with Anne Green, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Department for Work & Pensions, Project Start Date: 04/01/2010 Project End Date: 31/10/2011
  • Financial Difficulties, Funded by: University of Bristol, Project Start Date: 15/03/2011 Project End Date: 30/06/2011


  • CAPRIGHT: Resources, Rights and Capabilities - in Search of Social Foundations for Europe, with Professor Robert Lindley, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: European Commission, Project Start Date: 01/12/2006 Project End Date: 30/11/2010 [details]Link opens in a new window
  • In-Work Poverty in the East Midlands, Funded by: East Midlands Development Agency, Project Start Date: 21/12/2009 Project End Date: 22/03/2010 [details]Link opens in a new window


  • Evaluation the effectiveness of career guidance: a longitudinal case study (DfES), with Jenny Bimrose, Funded by: Department for Education and Skills, Project Start Date: 01/10/2002 Project End Date: 31/10/2008


  • Public Attitudes to Inequality and Wealth in the UK, Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Project Start Date: 01/10/2006 Project End Date: 31/03/2007 [details]Link opens in a new window
  • Cities Strategy Pathfinders: Provision of local Evaluation Assistance Project, with Hasluck C, Institute for Employment Research, Green AE, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Department for Work & Pensions, Project Start Date: 15/01/2007 Project End Date: 19/03/2007 [details]Link opens in a new window


  • Council Tax Debt: Exploring a Hidden 'Crisis', Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Project Start Date: 01/05/2005 Project End Date: 31/12/2006 [details]Link opens in a new window
  • Skills Coaching Evaluation, with Chris Hasluck, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Jenny Bimrose, Anne Green, Sally-Anne Barnes, Richard White, Gerry McGivern, Institute for Employment Research Sheila Galloway, CEDAR, Funded by: Department for Works & Pensions, Project Start Date: 01/05/2005 Project End Date: 31/07/2006


  • EUROCAP - Social Dialogue, Employment and Territories: Towards a European Politics of Capabilities - EU Framework V Programme, with Robert Lindley, Funded by: EU, Project Start Date: 01/09/2002 Project End Date: 31/08/2005
  • Feasibility Study into the Development of an On-line LLMI Facility for the National Resource Service, with Jenny Bimrose, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Anne Green and Sally-Anne Barnes, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Ufi LearnDirect, Project Start Date: 01/04/2005 Project End Date: 30/06/2005
  • Sector Skills Council Information, Advice and Guidance Role Development, with Jenny Bimrose, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Sally-Anne Barnes, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Skillset, Project Start Date: 04/01/2005 Project End Date: 31/03/2005
  • Enhancement of the National Guidance Research Forum and a systematic literature review, with Jenny Bimrose, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Sally-Anne Barnes, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Department for Education and Skills, Project Start Date: 13/11/2003 Project End Date: 31/03/2005


  • Development and Implementation of a National Career Research Database, with Jenny Bimrose, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Alan Brown and Sally-Anne Barnes, Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Department for Education and Skills, Project Start Date: 01/10/2002 Project End Date: 31/03/2004


  • Improving the Participation of Women in the Labour Market, with Jenny Bimrose, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, Anne Green, Sally-Anne Barnes, Beate Baldauf and Fiona Scriebl, Institute for Employment Research Sheila Galloway, CEDAR, Funded by: Learning and Skills Council, Coventry and Warwickshire, with funding from the European Social Fund, Project Start Date: 07/10/2002 Project End Date: 31/03/2003


  • Developing Guidance for Local Authorities on Using Procurement Policies and Practices to Promote Equality of Opportunity, with Ratcliffe P B, Sociology, Orton M. Institute for Employment Research, Funded by: Commission for Racial Equality, Project Start Date: 01/03/2002 Project End Date: 30/06/2002