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IER Publications 2000

Refereed journals

  • Hasluck, C. (2000). Early lessons from the evaluation of New Deal Programmes. Labour Market Trends, 108(8), pp. 369-377.
  • Owen, D. and Green, A.E. (2000). Estimating commuting flows for minority ethnic groups in England and Wales. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 26(4), pp. 581-608.
  • Phillips, P.S., Adams, K.T., Read, A.D. and Green, A.E. (2000). Regional variations in waste minimization in England: challenges and issues for policy development. Regional Studies, 34, pp. 297-302.
  • Smith, J., McKnight, A. and Naylor, R. (2000). Graduate employability: policy and performance in higher education in the UK. Economic Journal, 110, pp. 383-411.


  • Brown, A.J. (2000). Social influences on individual commitment to self-directed learning at work. In: G.A. Straka, G.A., ed. Conceptions of Self-Directed Learning. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 23-36. ISBN 3-89325-864-7
  • Brown, A.J. and Bimrose, J. (2000). Establishing a virtual forum for collaboration and knowledge transformation to support careers guidance practice. In: Collin, A. and Roberts, K., eds. Career Guidance: Constructing the Future – a global perspective. Stourbridge: Institute of Career Guidance, pp.73-85. ISBN 0-903076-24-1
  • Elias, P., McKnight, A., Davies, R. and Birch, M. (2000). Structure and description of unit groups. In: Office for National Statistics, Standard Occupational Classification, Vol. 1Link opens in a new window. London: The Stationery Office. ISBN 0-11-621388-4
  • McKnight, A. (1998). Low-Pay and Long-Term Disadvantage. In: Lucifora, C. and Salverda, W., eds. Policies for Low-Wage Employment in Europe. Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 157-65. ISBN 88-464-1101-3
  • Purcell, K. (2000). Gendered employment insecurity. In: Heery, E. and Salmon, J., eds. The Insecure Workforce. London: Routledge, pp. 112-139. ISBN 0-415-1867-14


Contribution to edited books

  • Whiteside, N. (2000). 'From full employment to flexibility: Britain and France, 1960-2000'. In B. Strath (Ed.), After Full Employment: European discourses on work and flexibility (pp. 107-135). Peter Laing.
  • Whiteside, N. (2000). 'Accounting and Accountability: an historical case study of a public-private partnership'. In R. Rhodes (Ed.), Transforming British Government vol 2 (pp. 167-182). Macmillan.


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