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Covid 19 - Employer incentives for apprenticeships: Review of evidence

Warwick IER has been commissioned by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to advise on how incentives can support employer apprenticeships during and beyond the Covid-19 crisis.
The study includes an international review of evidence of:
- where employer incentives have worked best;
- how they were targeted, and which instruments were used; and
- the risks and opportunities of different incentives.
The project has also included an analysis of Scottish apprenticeship data (apprenticeship statistics, the Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey, and Employer Skills Survey), consultations with international Vocational Education and Training (VET) experts, resulting in an assessment of how incentive best practice might be applied in the context of Scotland in the short-, medium- and long-term.

The findings were presented at a workshop of Scottish apprenticeship stakeholders.

Project Team:

Peter Dickinson (Principal Investigator)

Terence Hogarth

Chris Warhurst

Project Duration:

May 2020 - June 2020
