Working for a green Britain update 2012-2023
The 2011 "Working for Green Britain" report provided an insight into the current jobs and skills characteristics of the sector, as well as projections of how the numbers of jobs in the sector might develop over the next decade. Since the report was published market conditions have changed. This follow-up study will: identify the impact of developing the impact of the developing renewable technology market on jobs, occupations, skills requirements and constraints since the previous survey; and the potential for future jobs, and an assessment of the types of jobs stimulated by projected market trends, as well as the key risks to such potential growth.
The study comprises a new survey to assess the current state of jobs and skills in the sector, and undertake model-based qualitative analysis to assess the future prospects for the sector.
The project is led by Cambridge Econometrics, working in collaboration with IER and IFF.
Details of the 2011 study can be found here.
Principal Investigator:
Project Team:
Cambridge Econometrics
IFF Research
Project Duration:
January - June 2013
Project Sponsor:
Renewable UK and EU Skills