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Equality and diversity

IER research to date has covered a wide range of areas related to equality, diversity, education, lifelong learning, employment and skills. This research has explored both the social aspects of equality and diversity, and the economic impacts of discrimination and disadvantage. The Institute deals with major issues of socio-economic behaviour and policy in their local, national and international setting. These encompass continuing problems of competitiveness, persistent shortages of key skills, gender and equality in the labour market, restrictive choices available to older workers (both in relation to redeployment and retirement), concern about chronic social exclusion and uncertainties relating to the impact of national, European and global economic developments.

Selected publications

  • Owen, D. (2013). Evidence on the Experience of Poverty Among People from Minority Ethnic Groups in Northern Ireland. JRF Programme Paper - Poverty and ethnicity. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Owen, D. (2013). Data Sources on Ethnicity and Poverty in Northern Ireland. JRF Programme Paper - Poverty and Ethnicity. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Green, A.E. (2012). Government policy and women in the labour market: The importance of public sector employment. Local Economy, 27(8), pp. 804-815.
  • Bimrose, J. (2012). Career development & women. In: Watson, M. and McMahon, M., eds. Career Development: Global Issues and Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
  • Brewer, M., Dickerson, A., Gambin, L., Green, A., Joyce, R., Wilson, R.A. (2012). Poverty and Inequality in 2020: Impact of changes in the structure of employment. York: Josepth Rowntree Foundation.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2011). Women's career success and work-life adaptations in the accountancy and medical professions in Britain. Gender, Work and Organization, 18(2), pp. 231 - 254.
  • Davies, R., Wilkins, C., Harrison, E., Sibley, E., and Owen, D. (2011). Quality of life in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Dublin, Ireland: Eurofound.
  • Scott, J., Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C., eds. (2010). Gender inequalities in the 21st century: new barriers and continuing constraints. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Nunn, A., Bickerstaffe, T, Hogarth, T., Bosworth, D., Green, A. and Owen D. (2010). Postcode selection? Employers' use of area- and address-based information shortcuts in recruitment decisions. Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions. (DWP Research Report 664).
  • Hogarth, T., Owen, D., Gambin, L., Hasluck, C., Lyonette, C. and Casey, B. (2009). The equality impacts of the current recession. London: Equality and Human Rights Commission. (EHRC Research report 47).
  • Lyonette, C. (2009). Combining work and elder caring: positive and negative consequences: women's work and elder caring roles and the impact on mental health. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co.

Further publications can be accessed from the IER publication pages.

Selected projects

  • Study on ICT to support everyday life integration of immigrants or ethnic minority people (IEM), EU (2011 - 2012)
  • UKTRC - Social Impacts and Social Equity Issues in Transportation, University of Oxford (2010 - 2011) More Details
  • Changing employment structure and implications for poverty and inequality, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2011) More Details
  • The Equality Impacts of the Current Recession, Equalities and Human Rights Commission (2009) More Details
  • Improving Understanding of "Quality" Part-time Work: Definitions and What works, Government Equalities Office (2009 - 2010) More Details

Key contacts

Clare Lyonette

David Owen