Population, ageing and employment
The ageing of society is one of the dominant developments in western European societies. This has considerable implications for labour supply and demand, promoting active ageing, health and social care provision, and pensions. IER research in this area includes the following two projects at national and European level.
The Activating Senior Potential in Ageing Europe (ASPA) study deployed a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to explore how best the potential of people aged 50 plus could be activated in both the labour market and civic society in eight European countries, including the UK. The three-year project was funded by the 7th European Framework Programme of the EC, and led by the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
The Age Unlimited programme funds and supports innovative approaches to age management and to helping people to age well. NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, who set up and ran this two-year programme in Great Britain, commissioned the Local Government Centre at the Warwick Business School and the IER to assess the journeys travelled by the successful ventures and to produce reports on the rapid prototyping approach adopted, emerging models of user centred innovation and the impact the programme has achieved.
A range of other research at IER has focused on aspects of demographic change, ageing and implications for employment - including studies examining impacts of change on different local areas.
Selected publications
- Lindley, R. and Principi, A. (2014). Organisational reflections on the impact of working and caring on older volunteering. In: Principi, A., Jensen, P.H. and Lamura, G., eds. Active ageing: Voluntary work by older people in Europe. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 275-296. ISBN 9781447307204.
- Lindley, R., Baldauf, B., Galloway, S., and Li, Y. (2014). Older volunteers in England: Towards greater flexibility and inclusiveness?', In: Principi, A., Jensen, P.H. and Lamura, G., eds. Active ageing: Voluntary work by older people in Europe. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 119-133. ISBN 9781447307204.
- McMahon, M., Watson, M. and Bimrose, J. (2013). Older women’s careers: Systemic Perspectives. In: Patton, W., ed. Conceptualising women’s working lives: Moving the boundaries of our discourse. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 119-133. ISBN 978-94-6209-207-5.
- Bimrose, J., McMahon, M. and Watson, M. (2013). Career trajectories of older women: implications for career guidance. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.
- Casey, B.H. and Dostal, J.M. (2012). Voluntary Pension Saving for Old Age: Are the Objectives of Self-responsibility and Security Compatible? Social Policy and Administration.
- Principi, A., Lindley, R., Perek-Bialas, J. and Turek, K. (2012). Volunteering in older age: an organizational perspective. International Journal of Manpower, 33(6), pp. 685-703.
- Frerichs, F., Lindley, R., Aleksandrowicz, P., Baldauf, B. and Galloway, S. (2012). Active ageing in organisations: a case study approach. International Journal of Manpower, 33(6), pp. 666 - 684.
- McMahon, M., Watson, M. and Bimrose, J. (2012). Career Adaptability: A Qualitative Understanding from the Stories of Older Women. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, pp. 762-768.
- Brown, A. and Bimrose, J. (2011). Changing patterns of guidance, learning and careers of older workers in Europe. In: CEDEFOP, ed. Working and ageing: Guidance and counselling for mature learners. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 166 - 187.
- Frerichs, F., Lindley, R., Aleksandrowicz, P., Baldauf, B. and Galloway, S. (2011). Activating Senior Potential in Ageing Europe (ASPA): Integrated Final Report on Organisational Case Studies and Good Practices in Age-management. WP4, Deliverable 4.3 – WP4 Case Studies in Labour Organisations. EU 7th Research Framework Programme project. Brussels: European Commission.
- Lindley, R., Baldauf, B. and Galloway, S. (2011). Activating Senior Potential in Ageing Europe (ASPA): D.4.2 National Report: United Kingdom. Report on organisational case studies. EU 7th Research Framework Programme project. Brussels: European Commission.
- Green, A.E. (2009). Older People and Transitions from Employment to Non-employment: International Perspectives and Policy Issues. The Professional Geographer, 61(1), pp. 46-58.
- Frerichs, F. and Lindley, R. (with Aleksandrowicz, P., Baldauf, B. and Galloway, S.)(2009). Activating Senior Potential in Ageing Europe (ASPA): Case Studies in Labour Organisations. WP4, Deliverable 4.1 – WP4 Orientation and Literature Review. EU 7th Research Framework Programme project. Brussels: European Commission.
- Green, A.E. (2006). Employment and the older person in the countryside. In: Lowe, P. and Speakman, L., eds. The Ageing Countryside: The Growing Older Population of Rural England. London: Age Concern England, pp. 94-118.
- Lindley, R. and Düll, N., eds. (2006). Ageing and employment. Identification of good practice to increase job opportunities and maintain older workers in employment. Report prepared for the Commission of the European Communities, DG EMPL. Brussels: European Commission.
Selected projects
- Age Unlimited - Learning Partner, National Endowment of Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) (2010 - 2012) More Details
- Activating Senior Potential in Ageing Europe, EU (2008 - 2011) More Details
- Developing Good Practice in Managing Age Diversity in the HE Sector, HEFCE via Oxford Brookes University (2007 - 2008)
- Ageing & Employment: Identification of Good Practice to Increase Job Opportunities and Maintain Older Workers in Employment, EU (2004 - 2005)