Stocktake of local worklessness policy analysis and dissemination
This project was concerned with investigating the ways through which DWP enabled local partnerships to advance the localism agenda. This was undertaken by addressing the following objectives:
- Identifying the range of work conducted at local level to analyse the impact or success of local worklessness programmes and how this analysis is used to inform the development of current and future interventions.
- Identifying practice in the analysis of these programmes, both in terms of processes and methodologies.
- Identifying barriers to conducting analysis at a local level.
- Exploring the nature, reach and efficacy of currently existing mechanisms to share this information / analysis.
- Considering a framework for analysis of local worklessness initiatives and disseminating findings.
Principal Investigator:
Project Team:
Project Duration:
Spring 2012 - Summer 2012
Project Sponsor:
Department for Work & Pensions