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One year countdown to Brexit begins - expert comment

Theresa May has pledged to keep the UK "strong and united" after Brexit as she marks a year to go until the UK's departure from the European Union.

Dr. Andreas Kokkinis, Assistant Professor, Warwick Law School says there are still a lot of unresolved issues that will affect the UK.

Cambridge Analytica: companies can access 'personality profiles', expert explains

It was reported today that the UK poltical consulting firm Cambridge Analytica is being investigated for alledgedly using the personal data of 50 million Facebook members to influence the US presidential election in 2016.

Professor Ian Robertson, a cyber security expert in University of Warwick's Department of Computer Science, comments.

Will Damian Green's exit from the cabinet affect the Tories?

Professor Wyn Grant, Dept. of Politics & International Studies comments on the departure of Damian Green, Theresa May's deputy, and how it could affect her party.

UK Industrial Strategy should focus on people and places: Professor Nigel Driffield

Responding to the announcement that the UK Government will publish an Industrial Strategy White Paper later today, Professor Nigel Driffield from Warwick Business School comments on the importance of focusing on removing barriers to growth in the UK's regions.

Mon 27 Nov 2017, 10:49 | Tags: WBS, University of Warwick, industry, Brexit, Expert comment, Britain

Will the Budget stamp duty cut really help first time buyers?

Following yesterday's Budget announcement of a stamp duty cut for first time buyers Professor Ben Lockwood analyses whether the change will really benefit buyers and help alleviate the housing crisis.

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