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Female caregivers in war zones need recognition and support – new research

In conflict zones around the world, women’s health and wellbeing will decline further, unless caregivers are given better state social protection, according to collaborative intercontinental research by the University of Warwick (UK) and Monash University (Australia).

Warwick researchers shortlisted for major prize

Two projects led by Warwick researchers have been shortlisted for the 2019 Newton Prize, a prestigious award which celebrates outstanding international research partnerships aimed at tackling global challenges. A project exploring innovative cancer drugs and one studying the impact of forced evictions on economically underprivileged women in Jakarta are among the final 20 which will now be reviewed by a panel of expert judges.


Peacekeeping missions can actually increase criminal violence, research finds

The presence of UN peacekeeping missions can inadvertently make criminal violence worse by providing the security necessary for organised crime to flourish, and creating a ‘peacekeeping economy’ which criminals can exploit, finds a new study by Dr Jessica di Salvatore of the University of Warwick.

Eleven young researchers selected to help Warwick deliver ambitious research strategy

The University of Warwick has been chosen to host eleven of 2019’s Leverhulme Early Career Fellows – just under ten per cent of the national total. Early Career Fellowships are awarded to enable young researchers to undertake a research project, under the supervision of a Warwick academic mentor, which will lead to publishable results and help them get a foothold on the academic career ladder. 

EUTOPIA European university alliance awarded €5m by Erasmus+

EUTOPIA, an established alliance of six European universities that exists to create a connected and inclusive community addressing global and local challenges, has been successful in its bid for a €5m grant from the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ programme.

Warwick research inspires new work by international artist and campaigner

A research project led by Professor Vicki Squire of the University of Warwick’s Department of Politics and International Studies has inspired a new artwork, Routes to Peace?, by international artist and activist Salma Zulfiqar.

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