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Christmas dinner saved! Sprouts gain natural disease defence

Brussels sprouts will remain safely in our Christmas dinners, thanks to University of Warwick research giving them natural defences against devastating crop diseases.

Twelve things you probably won’t know about your Christmas dinner

Most of us won’t think twice about the scientific make-up of our Christmas dinner but there’s more to that plate of festive food than meets the eye! To celebrate being ranked second in the UK for Agriculture, Food and Veterinary research this week, staff from the University of Warwick’s School of Life Sciences are sharing their vast vegetable knowledge in a bid to help families truly appreciate this year’s festive feast.

Fri 19 Dec 2014, 09:47 | Tags: Plants, Food, Christmas, research, rankings, crop centre

‘Grow your own’ inspired by new Coventry art exhibition

PhD student from the University of Warwick has produced a new arts project at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire in Coventry to encourage locals to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

Warwick secure Defra contract to store 14,000 crop seed samples

Warwick Crop Centre at the University of Warwick has won a five year contract from Defra to continue to host the UK Vegetable Genebank at the University’s Wellesbourne Campus.

Wed 28 May 2014, 13:12 | Tags: Plants, research, Life Sciences, crop centre

Plants evolve ways to control embryo growth and development

A new generation of high yield plants could be created following a fundamental change in our understanding of how plants develop.


Fri 11 Apr 2014, 11:33 | Tags: Plants, Life Sciences, Sciences

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