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Oral drug treatment helps protect cancer patients from potentially deadly DVT and pulmonary embolism

Research from the University of Warwick indicates that taking a tablet a day can help treat cancer patients of a potentially deadly condition.

Fri 11 May 2018, 09:55 | Tags: Health Health and Medicine NHS WMS cancer 1 - Research

Light-activated cancer drugs without toxic side effects: fresh insight

Future cancer drugs that are activated by light and don’t cause the toxic side-effects of current chemotherapy treatments are closer to becoming a reality, thanks to new research made possible by the Monash Warwick Alliance, an intercontinental collaboration between the University of Warwick (UK) and Monash University (Australia).


Researchers call for improvement in collection of quality of life trial data

Researchers have recommended changes to international guidelines used in the development of clinical trials in an effort to gain information about the impact of the treatment on participating patients and their quality of life.

Talk to experts about the University of Warwick’s cancer research

People from across the region are being invited to spend the evening in conversation with some the University of Warwick’s cancer research team next week (Tuesday 30 January).

Mon 22 Jan 2018, 14:47 | Tags: Health, campus, cancer, society

Public health pioneer emphasises the importance of Warwick and other medical schools

One of the UK’s foremost health pioneers has been awarded a Hon DSc (Honorary Doctor of Science) from the University of Warwick.

Cancer targeted with reusable ‘stinging nettle’ treatment

Cancer cells can be destroyed more effectively and selectively with a unique new reusable treatment, activated with a substance found in stinging nettles and ants - thanks to new research by the University of Warwick.

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