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Press Releases

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Nature’s antifreeze inspires revolutionary bacteria cryopreservation technique

The survival mechanisms of polar fish have led scientists at the University of Warwick to develop of a revolutionary approach to ‘freeze’ bacteria.

Two million pounds awarded to fight disease in East Africa

The University of Warwick has been awarded £2million to tackle the spread of viruses in East Africa.

New method discovered to view proteins inside human cells

Scientists at the University of Warwick have created a new way to view proteins that are inside human cells.

Warwick-backed state-of-the-art cryo-electron microscopy facility opened

A new state-of-the-art Cryo-Electron Microscope (Cryo-EM) facility that will advance the understanding of the processes of life has been officially opened.

How to build a better railway - in (almost) every cell in your body -

New work from the University of Warwick shows how a microscopic ‘railway’ system in our cells can optimise its structure to better suit bodies’ needs.

Mon 12 Mar 2018, 17:50 | Tags: Health, cell biology, Biology, medicine, Mathematics, WMS, Health and Medicine

Light-activated cancer drugs without toxic side effects: fresh insight

Future cancer drugs that are activated by light and don’t cause the toxic side-effects of current chemotherapy treatments are closer to becoming a reality, thanks to new research made possible by the Monash Warwick Alliance, an intercontinental collaboration between the University of Warwick (UK) and Monash University (Australia).


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