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Favela communities made more resilient against COVID-19 with citizen data

A team of international development researchers, working with some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Brazil and Colombia to mitigate the effects of natural hazards, have adapted their project to help strengthen those communities’ resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic.

€2m makes pan-European innovation available to improve regions – including West Midlands

€2 million has been awarded by the European Commission to the EUTOPIA community of universities — of which the UK’s University of Warwick is a founding member — with the purpose of opening up academic research to businesses, policy-makers, and the wider public.

Black history and 2D ‘wonder’ materials researched by European PhD scholars at Warwick

Black heritage, British political satire, ovarian cancer, and two-dimensional ‘wonder’ materials — all of these are subjects that will be researched by the second cohort of pan-European co-tutelle PhD scholars at the University of Warwick.

Mental health screening study to protect students’ wellbeing during pandemic

The mental health and wellbeing of students at the University of Warwick during the COVID-19 pandemic will be tested, tracked, and tackled by internationally renowned psychologists at the institution.

Face masks from Beijing to University of Warwick will equip local NHS

Around 1000 face masks, donated by Beijing City University in China to the University of Warwick, will be given to NHS key workers across Warwickshire on the front line against COVID-19.

Wed 29 Apr 2020, 12:54 | Tags: Community and region, Global Engagement, China, WMG, International

Brazilian communities fight floods together – with memories and an app

Brazilian communities that are vulnerable to devastating floods are being united and empowered to defend themselves, using ‘citizen science’ and a specially developed mobile app, thanks to two research projects led by the University of Warwick.

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