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Evidence of Salmonella Paratyphi C found for the first time in medieval northern Europe

Genome research conducted by the University of Warwick suggests that enteric fever, a potentially lethal disease more commonly found in hot countries, was present in medieval Europe.

UK companies need to act now to prepare for the loss of the EU right to freedom of establishment, advises Warwick legal expert

Thousands of UK corporations could lose their legal rights to do business after Brexit, warns a new briefing paper from GLOBE, a research centre within the University of Warwick’s Law School. The paper explores the possible consequences for UK companies of the loss of the EU right to freedom of establishment, and recommends actions that companies, their shareholders and creditors should take now.

Declaration of Intent: the Creation of a European University Alliance

Following executive discussions, detailed planning by academic groups, and the joint signing of key memoranda, the University of Warwick (United Kingdom), the University of Paris Seine (France) and Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium) have declared their intention of founding an expanding European alliance of universities in response to the European Commission’s call for the creation of strategic collaborations between higher education institutions.

New research project will crowdsource philosophical thinking about current affairs

Each month, the Philosophy in a Time of Crisis website will host a dialogue on one of the key problems and challenges faced by Europe, inviting short contributions and interviews from leading philosophers, artists, writers and intellectuals. Contributions from the Warwick student community and the public at large are also welcome.

University of Warwick launches major teaching and research collaboration with partners in Paris and Brussels

The University of Warwick has today, Wednesday 28th March 2018, signed and launched two major teaching and research collaborations with partner universities and colleges in Paris and Brussels. The initiative, launched today in the University of Warwick’s base in London’s Shard building, commits Warwick to a close and active research and teaching alliance with French and Belgian partners despite the political and economic cleavages that Brexit could bring to future UK relations with continental Europe.

Newly-discovered planet is hot, metallic and dense as Mercury

A hot, metallic, Earth-sized planet with a density similar to Mercury - situated 260 million light years away - has been detected and characterised by a global team of astronomers, including the University of Warwick.

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