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Alloy Oxidation breakthrough could cut steel production losses

New strategies of making steel production more efficient have been discovered, thanks to research led by WMG at the University of Warwick on the role of oxidation during alloy additions.

Wed 17 Aug 2016, 12:51 | Tags: Technology, University of Warwick, Industry, WMG, Engineering, research

Engineering graduate lands job at top automation firm

One of this year’s Engineering graduates from the University of Warwick, who has a passion for robotics, is transferring his academic skills to his new job at an internationally renowned industrial automation company.

Major motoring developments crown Coventry’s 120 year Motor City legacy

Two major investments in the automotive industry in Coventry will create world class facilities for the automotive industry in a resurgent “Motor City” Coventry, and both will be built in the year that will mark 120 years of motor manufacturing history in the City. The first British motor car was made in Coventry in 1897 by The Daimler Motor Company Limited but the company that is playing a central role in Coventry’s resurgence as a “Smart Motor City” is Jaguar Land Rover who is key to two major motor developments in the city both of which will be complete, or well underway, by 2017.

From teenage school student to doctoral researcher, WMG’s ‘Class of 2016’ to share their year of learning online

WMG at the University of Warwick has launched, the ‘Class of 2016,’ an exciting new initiative to showcase its world-class education programmes, and the opportunities they offer people at any stage of their career.

Jaguar Land Rover launches Lifelong Learning Academy with WMG as partner

Jaguar Land Rover has launched its Academy, the first of its kind in the UK automotive sector, and WMG at the University of Warwick is a key partner in the new initiative. The new Academy will offer all Jaguar Land Rover workers the opportunity to take part in continuous development programmes to enhance their careers and provide the skills the company needs.

Mon 07 Sep 2015, 16:39 | Tags: Industry, WMG, Engineering, Sciences, Education

Coventry company develops high tech drugs transfer method thanks to Science City project transferring over £265 million to our region

Thans to the Science City Research Alliance Coventry-based bioadhesives company Medherant is building a new business working in hi-tech transdermal drug delivery systems that use specially formulated bioadhesives to provide novel adhesive patch-based products that can deliver drugs through contact with the skin.

Mon 07 Sep 2015, 09:44 | Tags: Industry, Chemistry, Sciences, Health and Medicine

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