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“The future of women in STEM is bright but not secure”: Warwick climate scientist

Four female climate scientists from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh — who are currently pursuing postgraduate studies thanks to ‘Women in STEM’ scholarships between the University of Warwick and the British Council — share their experiences and reflections on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022.

Warwick student donations raise nearly £47k for British Heart Foundation in 2021

Students at the University of Warwick raised £46,928 for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and helped cut waste on campus by donating unwanted clothes and personal items last academic year.

Forest conservation policies must safeguard indigenous peoples’ rights, researchers urge

Global policy commitments on conservation such as the recent COP 26 declaration on Forest and Land Use are a step in the right direction but policy-makers must be inclusive of indigenous peoples and ensure that any initiatives learn from the long and problematic history of forest conservation, argues an international consortium of indigenous scholar activists and social, cultural, environmental, and behavioural scientists in correspondence published today [13] in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Thu 13 Jan 2022, 17:30 | Tags: climate change, COP26, conservation

New city climate change commission to drive forward low carbon targets

Senior leaders from organisations across Coventry met today to help shape and move forward actions to reduce the impact of climate change.  

A new Coventry Climate Change Board will meet regularly to share policies, plans, good practice and work together collaboratively in an effort to keep the city on track for a zero carbon future. The Board is chaired by Margot James, the former minister for culture, communications and creative industries and Executive Chair for the Warwickshire Manufacturing Group (WMG) at the University of Warwick.

Wed 17 Nov 2021, 16:01 | Tags: climate change, WMG, Coventry, COP26, Sciences

Coventry schools to build future cities from recycled household items

TeenTech City of Tomorrow will see Coventry school children make a city of recyclable household items, with help from researchers at WMG, University of Warwick who will teach them all about sustainability. A select few ideas – buildings and technology- will then be exhibited at the Coventry Transport Museum.

CO2 consuming concrete technology showcased at COP26 to be tested at University of Warwick

Technology developed by Concrete4Change that can make concrete a carbon sink rather than carbon producer will be trialled and tested by researchers from the University of Warwick. The technology which could revolutionise the concrete industry on a global scale, has been showcased and won an award at COP26.

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