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Leamington residents encouraged to contact their local Student Housing Enforcement Officer

The University of Warwick and Warwick District Council are encouraging local residents, neighbours and tenants to make contact with their Student Housing Enforcement Officer if they have concerns about student accommodation.

Thu 17 Sep 2020, 16:54 | Tags: University of Warwick

University of Warwick ranked 8th in UK by the Guardian University Guide

The University of Warwick has once again been ranked top ten in the Guardian’s league table of UK universities - rising one place to be ranked 8th overall in the Guardian University Guide 2021.

Mon 07 Sep 2020, 10:24 | Tags: University of Warwick, Ranking

Favela communities made more resilient against COVID-19 with citizen data

A team of international development researchers, working with some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Brazil and Colombia to mitigate the effects of natural hazards, have adapted their project to help strengthen those communities’ resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic.

€2m makes pan-European innovation available to improve regions – including West Midlands

€2 million has been awarded by the European Commission to the EUTOPIA community of universities — of which the UK’s University of Warwick is a founding member — with the purpose of opening up academic research to businesses, policy-makers, and the wider public.

Coventry Creates: local artists receive grant from city universities

Coventry University and the University of Warwick have selected 18 local artists to receive a grant that will allow them to continue their work during the COVID-19 pandemic through collaboration with researchers from the social sciences, arts, science and medicine from across both the city’s universities.

Black history and 2D ‘wonder’ materials researched by European PhD scholars at Warwick

Black heritage, British political satire, ovarian cancer, and two-dimensional ‘wonder’ materials — all of these are subjects that will be researched by the second cohort of pan-European co-tutelle PhD scholars at the University of Warwick.

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