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ERA Big Ideas

As ERALink opens in a new window reaches the end of its £60 million capital build programme, which has focused on the development of 23 test and demonstration facilities, it has been through a process of examining how to apply its academic capability and facilities to a series of major research, development and demonstration challenges which face the UK as it accelerates the delivery of low-carbon solutions towards 2050. This has resulted in a series of ‘Big Ideas’ focussed on:

  • Implementation and demonstration of next-generation fuels;
  • Medium-term, large-scale, energy storage;
  • Integrating the circular economy with zero carbon and CCUS acceleration;
  • Grid-scale electricity system modelling for future-proofing infrastructure;
  • A National Centre for Decarbonisation of Heat, NCDH, and
  • Behavioural transition for a low-carbon future.

The full document of the Big IdeasLink opens in a new window can be viewed along with the ERA Into the next ERALink opens in a new window document.

If you would like to get involved with any of the Big Ideas or have any feedback please contact the Energy GRP: