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Charging ahead at Battery School

WMG is running a special three-day Battery School at its Energy Innovation Centre from 17-19 February 2020 for industry personnel

Wed 22 Jan 2020, 09:19

Used electric vehicle batteries could be used for rickshaws in Bangladesh

Used EV batteries could be used to power rickshaws in Bangladesh, as researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, seek to find out how they can be repurposed for the rickshaws and lower peoples’ carbon footprint.

Wed 13 Nov 2019, 13:00

Calling Europe’s innovation leaders to join the EIT Governing Board

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is selecting new members for its Governing Board. Leading academics, business representatives, entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers are encouraged to apply and help drive Europe’s ability to innovate.The Call for expressions of interest for up to eight new members is open until October 2019

Tue 22 Oct 2019, 17:18

University of Warwick Climate Emergency Declaration

Recognising that the next ten years will be crucial to limit global temperature rise the University of Warwick is now declaring a state of Climate Emergency.

We have a responsibility as a community and organisation to help combat climate change through our individual actions, our research and teaching, and how we run and develop our university.

However declaring a climate emergency must be matched with ambitious plans and goals so the University is announcing that it aims to reach net zero carbon from our direct emissions and the energy we buy by 2030.

We will also work with our community to put in place initiatives to significantly reduce our indirect emissions with the aim of achieving net zero carbon for both direct and indirect emissions by 2050.

Tue 22 Oct 2019, 17:17

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