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Innovate UK Health and Life Sciences Funding Round-Up


    • Find out about the latest funding calls which are relevant to the Health and Life Sciences sector
      Tue 11 Jun 2019, 08:26 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

      ERC Advanced Grant information session

      An information and advice session to support applications to this year’s European Research Council Advanced Grant scheme will take place on Thursday 6 June from 10.00am to 11.00am in lecture room A0.23 on the ground floor of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
      ERC Advanced Grants support ambitious, large-scale projects of up to five years duration and up to €2.5M in value. They are non-thematic and are aimed at senior academics at or near the Professorial level. More information on the scheme can be found here.

      If you'd like to come along please register.

      Thu 23 May 2019, 07:25 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

      NCCPE - March Newsletter

      This month we're really excited to launch a new school-university partnership training day for public engagement professionals. The course has been developed using NCCPE partnership resources and is run by the brilliant Ellie Cripps (University of Bristol) and Kirsty Ross (University of Strathclyde).

      Tue 12 Mar 2019, 14:57 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

      EPSRC Funding Opportunity

      Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050 (call pre-announcement and information day)

      Tue 19 Feb 2019, 12:15 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP funding

      NCCPE February Newsletter

      Thu 14 Feb 2019, 12:37 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

      UKRI GCRF Health and Context Call 2019 - Closing date 2 April 2019

      The UKRI GCRF Health and Context call is seeking proposals for interdisciplinary research addressing wider contextual factors contributing to the burden of infectious and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). These factors may include social, cultural, historical, and religious beliefs and practices, or wider biological, ecological and environmental factors. They are seeking to fund consortia conducting ambitious research that:

        • goes beyond description to determine causal relationships between contextual influences and health
          • develops or tests feasible interventions that are sensitive to or mitigate contextual influences on health.

          Via the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UKRI will support impactful, three-year research projects of value between £1-2 million (at 80% FEC for UK costs, 100% FEC for overseas costs). This call is being led jointly by the Medical Research Council, Economic & Social Research Council, Arts & Humanities Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council, and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and applications may fall within the remit of any of, or across, these councils.

          Thu 31 Jan 2019, 09:58 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          Department of Health and Social Care & NIHR, funding opportunities

          Department of Health and Social Care & NIHR, funding opportunities, policy research programme:

          Applications are welcomed to receive funding of up to £200,000 focused on the area ‘assessment of the representativeness of surveys currently used to understand the experience of adult social care users and carers in England.’ Deadline Tuesday 29 Jan 2019.

          A further three calls have been released with a deadline of Tuesday 12 February 2019 on the topics:‘Research call on measuring the impact of adult social care support models for older people with moderate levels of care needs,’, ‘Research call for evidence review facility to support national policy development and evaluation’, ‘Research call for fast response research and analytical facility to support policy development and evaluation’.

          All of these would be great opportunities to enhance your impact profile.

          Thu 17 Jan 2019, 08:23 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          WHO housing and health guidelines

          The World Health Organisation has released new Housing and Health Guidelines

          Thu 06 Dec 2018, 07:48 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          WMAHSN Newsletter November 2018

          The monthly newsletter from the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network - improving health and creating wealth.

          Fri 23 Nov 2018, 13:59 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          WMAHSN October 2018 newsletter

          The monthly newsletter from the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network - improving health and creating wealth

          Tue 30 Oct 2018, 16:01 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          BMA Foundation for Medical Research

          The BMA Foundation for Medical Research provides approximately £700,000 of research funding annually, this year across 11 different grants. Details of the 2019 grants have now been confirmed and all grant categories can be viewed on the BMA Foundation website.

          Applications for the 2019 grant round will open on the BMA Foundation website from 1 January The deadline for applications is 1 March 2019.

          Tue 16 Oct 2018, 14:06 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          HEIF Impact Fund

          The 2018/19 HEIF Impact Fund is open for proposals to support projects that facilitate and/or increase the impact of leading research, and which are potential REF2021 or future REF impact case studies. Deadline: Monday 22nd October 2018. Amount of funding: Up to £20,000 (must complete all spend before 31 July 2019).

          Applications that meet the eligibility criteria of the University’s Impact Acceleration Accounts (the EPSRC IAA, the ESRC IAA, or the BBSRC IAA), should be progressed to those IAA funds in the first instance. Applications for WMS are particularly welcomed, given the lack of IAA funding that is available for these departments.

          Interested applicants are invited to contact Impact Manager, Katie Irgin to discuss the most appropriate potential funding route and to request an application form. Applicants should expect to receive feedback by w/c 26 November 2018.

          Thu 27 Sep 2018, 11:21 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          Funding opportunity: NHS Innovation & Technology Payment

          The ITP aims to deliver on the commitment detailed within the Five Year Forward View – supporting the NHS to adopt innovative market-ready medical devices, diagnostics, digital platforms and technologies which have demonstrated improvement to the quality and efficiency of patient care, by removing financial or procurement barriers to uptake.

          Deadline: 3 October 2018

          Thu 13 Sep 2018, 11:52 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

          NCCPE - August Newsletter

          Don't miss our REF 2021 consultation event, on 14th September to review the REF consultation proposals and explore their implications for public engagement.

          Wed 15 Aug 2018, 14:10 | Tags: GRPNews Health GRP

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