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10:00am – 10.30am  

Introduction and Tea/Coffee

Rooms 1 & 2, Wolfson Research Exchange of the Main Library

10.30am - 10:50am  

Natalie Kyneswood

A senior Sessional Tutor in Criminal Evidence

Just pressing play - The Effect of Video Recorded Evidence on the Presentation of Evidence and the Format of the Adversarial Trial

10.50am -11.10am  

Dr Danielle Norman

Post-doc with the Forensic Centre for Digital Scanning and 3D printing

Forensic Imaging Research and Application for UK Homicide Cases

11:10am – 11:30pm

Patrick Home

A Student of the WMG Forensic Centre

3D Laser Scanning and Visualisation for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

11:30pm – 11:50pm  

Sharda Murria

A Student of the School of Law

The role of body worn videos in strengthening transparency and accountability in the use of police stop and search powers.

11:50pm – 12:20pm  

Discussant: Dr. Nathaniel Tkacz

Q&A session

12:20pm - 1pm 

Lunch and Networking