Productivity and the Futures of Work Annual Conference
“Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies in the Workplace”
Scarman House Conference Centre, Space 11, CV4 7AL, Warwick University
9-6pm , 16 September 2022
The conference is aimed at bringing together researchers from within and outside the University of Warwick to foster discussion and dissemination of research on the interaction of wellbeing in workplaces, digitalization, and an extended use of artificial intelligence. Anybody with an interest in this topic is encouraged to attend.
Doctoral presentations from the GRP Doctoral Students Network will take place in the morning and will be followed by keynote talks by the GRP leads and other leading academics and practitioners such as Carla Toro (Deputy-Director of Warwick Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing), Steven Dhondt (University of Leuven, and TNO -Healthy Living - Sustainable Productivity and Employability Unit), Meike Brodersen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Lee Barron (TUC). A roundtable will conclude (see draft programme).
The conference will take place in-person at Warwick University.
There are no registration fees to join the conference, but registration is necessary for catering purposes.
There registration deadline is currently no closing date for conference registration
but please register as soon as possible as places for the conference will be limited.
Register for the Conference
PAPER SUBMISSIONS (morning session): Submissions are welcome from PhD researchers at any stage of their PhD for the morning session. Extended abstracts, chapters of the thesis, working draft and research proposals related to the themes of the conference are all welcome. There will be a GRP Best Paper Award
If you are a PhD student wishing to submit a contribution, click on the link