Call for Fellowshop - “AFFECT-The trAnsFormation oF hEalthCare: UndersTanding the adoption and impact of AI and Robotics"
Call for Fellowshop - “AFFECT-The trAnsFormation oF hEalthCare: UndersTanding the adoption and impact of AI and Robotics".
Deadline for Applications: 12:00 (CET) Monday 8th May 2023.
Network of Industrial Economists Conference & PhD Symposium
University of Leicester School of Business
Important Dates
Deadline for PhD Symposium submissions: 16 April 2023
Acceptance decisions communicated: w/c 8 May 2023
Registration opens: w/c 8 May 2023
PhD Symposium on Industrial Economics 8 June 2023
- NIE Conference 9 June 2023
Establishing a new National Centre for Creating Healthy Jobs
IER hosted a meeting at the RSA in London in mid-March on its initiative to establish a new National Centre for Creating Healthy Jobs. The aim of the centre is to minimise the number of jobs that lead to ill-health and increase the number that support good health.
The meeting was opened by Dame Carol Black, the former UK Government advisor on work and health. Around sixty participants from universities, government and heath and business organisations attended the meeting.
Chris Warhurst awarded Fellowship by the Academy of Social Sciences
In its spring announcements, Director of IER, Professor Chris Warhurst, has been conferred as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
The Academy of Social Sciences says in its press release: 'The Academy’s Fellowship is made up of distinguished individuals from academic, public, private and third sectors, across the full spectrum of the social sciences. Through leadership, scholarship, applied research, policymaking, and practice, they have helped to deepen the understanding of, and address, some of the toughest challenges facing our society and the world.’
Many congratulations from all at IER on the award.
ERC - The State of Small Business Britain 2022: From Crisis to Crisis
Published: 20 December 2022
ERC Research Report
Author: ERC
- Business Growth
- Innovation
- Management and Leadership
- Sustainability
The State of Small Business Britain report is the Enterprise Research Centre’s annual review of trends and issues affecting small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. The report draws together and summarises several different strands of the Centre’s research to give a picture of the landscape for the UK’s SMEs in 2022.
2022 has been another extremely challenging year for the UK’s SMEs. Many have spent the year dealing with a range of after-effects associated with the pandemic, whilst also facing Brexit impacts, rising energy prices and sharp increases in the cost of doing business.