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Early Career Network

How can we collectively shape the future of research?

Welcome to the Early Career Researchers Network, a space for those seeking to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in meaningful dialogue. Our network is supported by the Sustainable Cities and Energy GRP in collaboration with Warwick's Global South Initiative, and we are dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging, collective sensemaking, transdisciplinary dialogue, and friendship among early career researchers. As we emerge from the pandemic, we recognise the importance of rebuilding in-person relationships and connections.

At the heart of our network is the belief that collective care, learning, and collaboration are essential for meaningful change in the world. We recognise that the challenges we face today require a new conversation, one that transcends disciplinary boundaries and embraces a diversity of perspectives. Our network provides a platform for early career researchers to come together, share their knowledge, and engage in collaborative efforts to make a positive impact in their fields.

Join us today and become a part of a supportive community of researchers who are dedicated to creating a better world. Together, we can build a future that is sustainable, equitable, and just for all. Please see below for a list of our upcoming events.

Zine Making - March 31, 2023

Join us for a day of creative connection and self-expression: Exploring therapy, community, and the environment through zine making and food!

Compos(t)ing the City: Workshop Series - April 18, 20 & 22, 2023

A unique blend of academia and imagination that weaves together threads of imaginaries for collective, caring, and equitable urban futures.

We have the Tech – Why can’t we save the world ?

Interdisciplinary conversations exploring & navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Energy Transitions for Low Carbon Futures

When Platforms Go Bad - June 22, 2023

An academic exploration of the complex relationship between web platforms and urban communities. Delve into the intricacies of platform migration, learn about the dynamics of power and control that are at play, and consider the implications for marginalised communities.

Culinary Conversations:

Discovering the Links between Ceremonial Food, Belonging and Identity.

Each session will explore a different traditional dish and its cultural and historical significance. From Indigenous food cultures to the global array of cuisines, we'll examine the impact of food culture and tradition on our sense of belonging and identity.

Un/Building the Future: The Country and The City in the Anthropocene - June 14-16, 2023

Join us for a thought-provoking interdisciplinary conference, exploring the relationship between urban and rural in the Anthropocene. We'll examine how the environmental crisis is reshaping our understanding of space and place. What does this mean for the future of our planet? Featuring expert perspectives from feminist, queer, anti-racist, decolonial, Marxist, and posthumanist viewpoints, this conference will offer fresh insights into the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.