Ultrafast Spectroscopy Symposium
Join us in January 2025 for a FREE one-day symposium on Ultrafast spectroscopic techniques. In conjunction with the Warwick analytical Science Centre (WASC), this event event aims to allow students to get the most out of the techniques and learn best practices from technical and academic experts, as well as an opportunity to share how these techniques have enabled their research.
Nanostructure and Photovoltaic Potential of Plasmonic Nanofibrous Active Layers
R. M. Schofield, B. M. Maciejewska, K. A. Elmestekawy, J. M. Woolley, G. T. Tebbutt, M. Danaie, C. S. Allen, L M. Herz, H.l E. Assender, N. Grobert
Small 2024, 2409269
Equipment Sharing Fund
The Equipment Sharing Fund allows researchers, PhD students and Research Technical Professionals (RTPs) to access cutting-edge research equipment, not available in their home institution. Funds cover the cost of initial analysis, helping to strengthen collaboration opportunities and ensure value for money within the UK’s research and innovation ecosystem. The fund opens for three rounds and will provide the full economic cost (fEC) or TRAC rate directly to the facility. Find out when the fund opens and more about the criteria.Link opens in a new window
Urocanic acid as a novel scaffold for next-gen nature-inspired sunscreens: II. Time-resolved spectroscopy under solution conditions
J. Fan, J.M. Woolley, H. Sanders, V.G. Stavros, W.J. Buma.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 2024.
The 3237 cm−1 diamond defect: Ultrafast vibrational dynamics, concentration calibration, and relationship to the N3VH0 defect
T.J. Keat, D.J.L. Coxon, R.J. Cruddace, V.G. Stavros, M.E. Newton, J. Lloyd-Hughes
Diamond and Related Materials, 141, 2024
Ring buckling and C=N isomerization pathways for efficient photoprotection in two nature-inspired UVA sunscreens revealed through ultrafast dynamics and high-level calculations
A. M. Cowden, R. Losantos, A. L. Whittock, B. Peñin, D. Sampedro, V. G. Stavros.
P.Chem, P. Biol
Synthesis and characterisation of novel composite sunscreens containing both avobenzone and octocrylene motifs
A. M. Cowden, A. L. Whittock, E. L. Holt, V. G. Stavros, M. Wills.
RSC Adv., 13, 2023, 17017
Spectroscopic insight on impact of environment on natural photoprotectants
A.L. Whittock, X. Ding, X.E. Ramirez Barker, N. Auckloo, R.A. Sellers, J.M. Woolley, K. Tamareselvy, M. Vincendet, C. Corre, E. Pickwell-MacPherson and V.G. Stavros.
Chem. Sci., 14 (2023) 6763
Synergic photoprotection of phenolic compounds present in tomato fruit cuticle: a spectroscopic investigation in solution
A.G. Moreno, J.M. Woolley, E. Domínguez, A. de Cózar, A. Heredia and V.G. Stavros
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25 (2023) 12791
A Concerted Redox- and Light-Activated Agent for Controlled Multimodal Therapy against Hypoxic Cancer Cells
Jiangping Lieu, Andrew W. Prentice, Guy J. Clarkson, Jack M. Woolley, Vasilios G. Stavros, Martin J. Paterson, and Peter J. Sadler
Adv Mater, (2023), 2210363.