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Impact Resources - Do

Impact Resources - Do:

Event Planning:Link opens in a new window a short document to help you plan and deliver an event whilst thinking about the different things involved, such as health and safety. The Warwick Institute of EngagementLink opens in a new window has further resources, guidance and support regarding event planning and delivery.

Social Media:Link opens in a new window guidance and information on how to utilise social media such as Facebook, 'X', Instagram etc. The social media teamLink opens in a new window has further guidance and various resources.

Working with SchoolsLink opens in a new window: guidance and further resources about working with schools, what impact can look like when working with schools and things to be mindful of when working with a sector that is often time poor and dealing with complex circumstances. This includes a short 'what I wish I had known' with practical advice from researchers who have worked with schools. *WP, outreach - mention and link - some depts. have specific roles/champions also - find and link to list.

Working with radio and TV:Link opens in a new windowthe University's Press Team can offer formal Media Training Link opens in a new windowand provide last-minute advice for interviews arranged at short notice. This document works through questions you need to ask before agreeing to be interviewed and gives advice on what to to do during an interview.

Working with the arts and cultural sector: Link opens in a new windowguidance and examples of developing impact and impact arising from working with museums, galleries, heritage organisations and creative practitioners.

Working with the third sector:Link opens in a new window guidance on how to work with the third sector, check for registered charities and ways that you can become involved with not-for-profit groups, this includes things to consider and think about when working collaboratively.

Webpages:Link opens in a new window brief guidance on how to make the most of your webpages and teams at the University who can offer further support.