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Training and Development

Training and Development

Whether you are new to impact or looking to build more specific know-how - such as writing successful policy briefs or compiling a Case Study for the REF - our training and development opportunities are here to help! Hone skills to enhance your career or prepare for an upcoming project.

Browse our regular opportunities below – from workshops designed to help you get started, to more focused sessions exploring particular topics and routes to impact. You can also get in touch with us to explore more bespoke training opportunities for your department, centre, or project team.

This training programme is provided by the Research Impact team in Research and Impact Services. Courses are available on a termly basis, or according to demand through registering your interest:

Browse further training and development opportunities offered by your wider impact support network:

Getting Started:

Introduction to Impact

Want to find out what 'research impact' is, why it's important, and how you can get started on your own impact journey?

Measurement & Evaluation

How do you keep track of your research impact, and how do you know that you have met your objectives?

Impact Development

Find out how to develop an impact plan, map stakeholders, and embed this in a project when applying for funding.

Impact and Policymaking:

Introduction to Influencing Policy

Discover this key route to utilising your research to effect change through influencing parliament, public bodies, and international institutions.

Introduction to UK Parliament

Visit this famous building and explore best practice for working effectively with policymakers in UK parliament and government.

How to Write a Policy Brief

Learn how to succinctly and compellingly communicate key insights from your research to policymakers.

Focus On:

Impact and the Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Want to know more about the 'impact' component of the REF and how it is assessed? Want to know more about the structure of a REF impact case study?

Commercialisation of Research for Impact

Want to find out more about IP and how to apply your research ideas to industry or service provision? How do you network effectively with commercial partners?

Communicating and Showcasing your Research

Develop effective skills in communicating your research via different channels and learn how to reach relevant audiences.

Explore Further: