Careers Fairs
Attending a Careers Fair at Warwick will provide you with the opportunity to meet and talk with students at one of the UK’s most prestigious teaching and research universities.
Attracting high numbers of students, the Fairs provide an excellent opportunity for you to raise your profile and meet students face to face as we return to campus activity.
The following careers fairs are organised throughout the academic year here at Warwick.

Autumn Fairs
Autumn Careers Fair
Our flagship event of the season kicks the autumn term off in style
Warwick Law Fair
Attend this high profile immersive event to ensure maximum impact
Warwick STEM Fair
Promote your opportunities and connect with our STEM students
Business, Finance and Consultancy Fair
Connect with students seeking opportunities within these sectors.
Spring and Summer Fairs
Summer Careers FairLink opens in a new window
Join us for the Summer Careers Fair - Get hired event taking place in week 3 of the Summer term.
Sustainability Careers Week: 3 - 7 MarchLink opens in a new window
Join us throughout the week to engage with students keen to explore opportunities in the sustainability sector and green industries.
One of the most rewarding aspects of attending career fairs is having the chance to speak to students face-to-face. What’s great is to have a chance to speak with students in person and then really understand what makes them unique from each other and stand out. We have a good relationship with Warwick University and its students and very much enjoy attending events held on campus.
Lorina Parker, Graduate Recruitment, Boots