Summer Term 2023

#Get Hired!
During the Summer term students here at Warwick understandably turn their focus towards their exams. The examination period runs throughout the entire term and so occasions to connect effectively with our students to promote your opportunities are more limited within this timeframe.
Our #Get Hired! campaign offers a carefully curated programme enabling you to meet students across this busy period and connect effectively through the events and activities available.
Get Hired!
This skills session programme runs from week 1-9 and aims to provide opportunities for students to meet with employers in our Student Opportunity Hub space and develop and hone the skills required to #Get Hired!
Sessions are available throughout the week and may be delivered as a structured workshop, informal drop-in or networking session, interactive activity or bookable one to one clinics. Where sessions are more suited to a virtual setting - virtual sessions may also be delivered. As part of the #Get Hired campaign employers should aim to contribute to the theme with suitable sessions including:
- CVs and Applications including Drop in CV and advice clinics
- Preparing for the Careers Fair (week 1 and 2 ahead of the Fair in week 3)
- Why is networking important and how to do it!
- How to succeed at virtual interviews
- Mock Interviews
- Making a good first impression
- Graduate job searching - where to start?
- What its like working for an SME
- Making applications to SMEs
- Meet the recruiter sessions - informal drop in sessions to simply talk and engage
- Summer preparation for Autumn recruitment
- Building a LinkedIn profile
If you would like to run alternative sessions to those listed please get in touch to discuss options - we welcome your involvement!
Interviews on campus
We are able to support employers seeking to meet with and interview students for your current opportunities. Advertise your vacancies, attend the Summer Fair and connect with prospective students and then work with us to arrange interviews on campus after the event within our Student Opportunity Hub.
Ideally suited to local SMEs or organisations with immediate graduate needs - #Get Hired!
There is no charge to deliver a Get Hired! skills session or use our interview facilities. Email to register your interest and to secure a date.
Please note that priority will be given to those attending the Get Hired! Summer Careers Fair in the first instance.
Get Hired! - Summer Careers Fair
Wednesday 10th May 12 - 3pm, Rootes Building, University of Warwick campus
The Summer careers fair is Warwick’s main careers and employability event in the Summer term, taking place on campus in week 3, before students start their exams.
Employers at this event range from high-profile graduate employers through to local SMEs. Organisations are attracted from a variety of industry areas. The Summer fair attracts students from all disciplines and year groups with students at varying stages of their career planning. It is suited to employers who have:
- Current opportunities available for those graduating this year
- Graduate schemes with early opening dates – meet our students early and encourage applications over the summer vacations
- Work experience and internships – first and second years who have not yet had the opportunity to meet with employers face to face will be encouraged to attend to explore their career options with you
- Places are limited to 40 with discounted rates available for SMEs, Not for Profit and Public Sector organisations.
- Bookings are limited across sectors to ensure a good spread of opportunities are available to students - all bookings are provisional until confirmed by the Employer Connect team
- Costs £250+VAT.
- Discounted rates available for Not for Profit organisations and SMEs at £125+VAT
Get in touch and discuss your options
Get Hired! Summer Fair
This Fair is now FULLY BOOKED
Get Hired! events
If you'd like to deliver a free Get Hired! session, email to register your interest and to secure a date. Please note that priority will be given to those attending the Get Hired! Summer Careers Fair in the first instance.