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Research Impact - what is it & how do I get it?

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Research Impact. We have all heard the term but what does it actually mean? Join us for a session on Research Impact where we will talk through what impact you might be making with your research, consider what questions you need to ask your supervisor about Research Impact and feel more confident about Research Impact more generally. Even if you can't make a session here is the University's definition of Research Impact and some links to some really helpful guides: Impact, based upon research excellence (applied; user-engaged and basic), is the identifiable and evidenced contribution made by Universities to the economy and society. These benefits are broad and diverse and can be experienced in a myriad of different contexts. They include the diversity of ways in which research-derived knowledge and skills benefit individuals, organisations (public, private and “third sector” and nation states through: Enhancing the economic competitiveness of the United Kingdom and global economic performance; Improving and enhancing the effective delivery of public services and policy development; Improving quality of life; health and wellbeing and creativity. Impacts, from Research Related activities, are derived through many different mechanisms across the university including (but not restricted to) publicly funded research; collaborative or contract research; consultancy; staff exchanges; licensing and spin out companies; public, policy and cultural engagement, Continuing Professional Development (CPD); and training and student enterprise. Find out more here: Your Research Impact What is impact and what isn't?


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