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Thursday, February 15, 2024

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Researcher Development- PhD in a 2nd Language: things to consider
Microsoft Teams

Pursuing a PhD can be challenging. Doing it in another language makes it more so. Come to this introductory session to exchange experiences and get tips and hints on things you might wish to consider to cope with the extra pressures you might experience as a second language speaker. We will discuss the vagaries of undertaking research in the UK and how we can support each other in adapting to a new environment. You will leave the session with insights into what kind of support you might need and where to get it.


Doing a PhD in a second language can be an exciting and stimulating experience. However, sometimes the pressures that come with the research process whilst adapting to a new environment can put extra weight on second language speakers. The ‘PhD in a second language’ series is designed to support you with many aspects of the process. The sessions are run by a Warwick PhD alumni and lecturer who still occasionally struggles to find the correct English word.



Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Early 0-14 months

Mid 12-24 months

Late 24-finish

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Researcher Development- Advance Quantitative data analysis: Regression, Anova, and Manova
Microsoft Teams

Are you struggling with advanced quantitative analysis? In that case, this workshop will remind you of regression, Anova and Manova, and how to apply these statistical tools to your PhD projects appropriately. The distinctions between ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, and MANCOVA can be challenging. Before one can appreciate the differences, it is helpful to review their similarities, as well as dissimilarities.

YouTube: Advanced Stats Analysis Tools – YouTube

Research Methods Series: A standalone series, but also to support our understanding of research integrity & ethics; the research methods series will give overviews of qualitative and quantitative or mixed methods; why some researchers will adopt certain methods; and why some approaches are more suitable than others. The sessions will provide general ideas; signposts to follow up on specific areas; the positives and negatives of different approaches. You will need to speak to your department for full research methodology training in your chosen practice.

You can attend the whole series or just pick the ones of specific interest.

Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Early 0-14 months

Mid 12-24 months
