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Thursday, June 22, 2023

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What do employers want? Selling your PhD to future employers outside of academia
This event has been organised by Researcher Development. For any enquiries please contact

Do you know what potential employers like best about people with a PhD? Do you know what they think we are weak in? This session reports back on information sought from employers about our strengths and weaknesses. We take this information and compare it to what we have done and gained during our PhD and examine how we can talk about our PhD in a language than employers out of academia understand better.


Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Mid 12-24 months

Late 24-finish

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Marketing your Skills - CV Building
This event has been organised by Researcher Development. For any enquiries please contact

Our CV or job application is often our first contact between us and the role that we want; so getting it right and learning how to market our skills so we can show we are suited for the role we are applying for is crucial.

Delivered by our colleague Ellie Wetherhill from the Career's Team, this workshop will cover the essentials that employers want from PhDs, in both academic and commercial sectors, and how to phrase (and sell) this on your CV.
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Methodologies and analysis (Research Methods)
This event has been organised by Researcher Development. For any enquiries please contact

This workshop aims to provide you with an overview of a range of qualitative analytical skills and methodologies, which can be applied in a range of research settings. This session discusses how Qualitative data can analysed using thematic, grounded theory, narrative, interpretative phenomenological, and ethnographic analysis. In addition, a range of data analysis packages will also be covered.

Research Methods Series: A standalone series, but also to support our understanding of research integrity & ethics; the research methods series will give overviews of qualitative and quantitative or mixed methods; why some researchers will adopt certain methods; and why some approaches are more suitable than others. The sessions will provide general ideas; signposts to follow up on specific areas; the positives and negatives of different approaches. You will need to speak to your department for full research methodology training in your chosen practice.

You can attend the whole series or just pick the ones of specific interest.

Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Early 0-14 months

Mid 12-24 months
