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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

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How do I use this calendar?

You can click on an event to display further information about it.

The toolbar above the calendar has buttons to view different events. Use the left and right arrow icons to view events in the past and future. The button inbetween returns you to today's view. The button to the right of this shows a mini-calendar to let you quickly jump to any date.

The dropdown box on the right allows you to see a different view of the calendar, such as an agenda or a termly view.

If this calendar has tags, you can use the labelled checkboxes at the top of the page to select just the tags you wish to view, and then click "Show selected". The calendar will be redisplayed with just the events related to these tags, making it easier to find what you're looking for.

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Dealing with Negative Thinking & Self-doubt
Microsoft Teams

Doing a PhD can be a stressful and challenging experience. At times, you can find yourself feeling overwhelmed by self-doubt and negative thoughts such as “I am not good enough”, or “I will never finish this project”. At such times, your negative thoughts will become your own worst enemy. However, negative thinking and self-doubt during a PhD journey are very common. Therefore, it is important to emphasise that you are not alone, as almost all doctoral researchers feel at some point doubts about their career choice and whether they belong in academia.

In this workshop, which will be supported by a qualified and licenced low-intensity psychological wellbeing practitioner, you will learn what negative automatic thoughts are, what the most common negative thinking traps are, and most importantly, you will be thought strategies to challenge your negative thinking and balance your negative thoughts towards more positive ones. Once you complete this workshop, you will be able to independently put your negative thoughts to trial, find evidence for and against your negative thoughts, and come up with alternative thoughts, which will help you to balance your thoughts more toward the positive. There will be no need to disclose private or confidential information; we will just be discussing a practice which you can apply in your own time.

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Introductions and conclusions (Writing Series )
Microsoft Teams

Do you get flustered when writing your introduction and conclusion? Do you know that first impressions and final thoughts are vital, yet struggle to convey them well? Then this workshop is for you. You will explore how to write strong and engaging introductions and conclusions, and you will share your ideas with your peers.
