PGR Scholarships Working & Advisory Group
Membership 2024-25 |
Chair Deputy Chair |
David Leadley (Deputy-Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research) Daniel Branch (Academic Director of Graduate Studies) |
Secretary | Rebecca Vipond (CDT & PGR Scholarships Manager, Doctoral College) |
Members | Nicola Attridge (PGR Finance Manager, Doctoral College) Kelly Chennery (BBSRC MIBTP Manager, SLS) Jon Coaffee (ESRC MGS Director) Sharon Howard (Department of Computer Science Postgraduate Research Manager) James Kermode (EPSRC Hetsys Director, Engineering) Natasha Khovanova (Director of Graduate Studies, Engineering) Tomomi Kimura (Research Strategy & Development Manager - SEM, R&IS) David Lambert (AHRC Midlands4Cities DTP & CADRE Site Director) Jonathan Millar (MRC DTP in IBR Director, WMS) Lisa Millard (AHRC M4C & CADRE Doctoral Programme Manager, Doctoral College) Vardis Ntoukakis (BBSRC MIBTP Director, SLS) Stephanie Schnurr (Director of Graduate Studies, Applied Linguistics) Ashleigh Skelhorn-French (ESRC MGS Consortium Manager, Doctoral College) |
Postgraduate Researchers | Lara Barzon (Arts Faculty PGR representative) Vicky Panossian (Social Sciences Faculty PGR representative) Luqman Sudradjat (Science, Engineering & Medicine PGR representative) |
In Attendance | Alan Ashton-Smith (Research Strategy & Development Manager - Arts, R&IS) Sarah Holcroft (Research Strategy & Development Manager - SEM, R&IS) Andrea Howard (Research Strategy & Development Manager - SEM, R&IS) Andrew Lake (Management Accountant, Doctoral College) Harbeena Lalli (Research Strategy & Development Manager, Social Sciences) Rebekah Luck-Owen (PG Admissions Officer, Admissions) Rhiannon Martyn (Head of the Doctoral College) Aysa Ozcan (PGR Development officer - EDI, Doctoral College) Vicky Strudwick (Head of Research Culture Partnerships, IAS) Louise Sutcliffe (PGR Scholarships Officer, Doctoral College) Kate Whiston (International Partnerships Manager, ISR) |
Terms of Reference
Purpose: to oversee the implementation and management of all PGR scholarships and funding at Warwick, including Doctoral College managed PGR scholarships, UKRI training grants, Department PGR Scholarships and any other PGR scholarships.
To recommend strategy for internal and external PGR Funding to the Postgraduate Research Subcommittee of Senate.
To receive financial reports relating to PGR funding; reports from scholarship task and finish groups (admin, assessment, internships etc).
To report opportunities and risks relating to PGR funding.
Reporting Structure
PGR-SWAG reports to the Postgraduate Research Subcommittee.
Secretary: Rebecca Vipond. Please forward correspondence to
07 October 2024, 11:00 - 13:00 (Microsoft Teams) | Agenda
- 22 January 2025, 13:00 - 15:00 (Microsoft Teams)
- 02 April 2025, 11:00 - 13:00 (Microsoft Teams)
- 10 July 2025, 13:00 - 15:00 (CMR 1.0) - open meeting
See CDT Management Committee for minutes of 2020-2024 meetings.
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