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Responsibilities of Research Students

As candidates for research degrees, students are expected:

a) To be familiar with and comply with the University regulations and departmental guidelines relating to their degree and the monitoring of progress and with the terms and conditions for any studentship or award that they may hold. In particular, students should be aware of the requirements for the award of research degrees as set out in University Regulation 38, and the additional Guidance for the Requirements of Award of Research Degrees,

b) To discuss with their supervisor(s) the type of guidance and comment they find most helpful, and to agree from the outset of the project a schedule of meetings and other contact both during term-time and vacations for the prescribed period of study. As a guide to frequency of interaction, one such contact per month throughout the year is an expected minimum for full-time students

c) To seek advice from their supervisor(s) in an active manner recognising that it is the student's responsibility to have their own topics to raise with the supervisor(s).

d) To maintain the progress of the work in accordance with the stages agreed with the supervisor(s) and in accordance with departmental monitoring procedures, including in particular, the provision of well-presented written work within the agreed timescales for comment and discussion before proceeding to the next stage. The early submission of a piece of written work will help to identify any areas in which further training or development is needed.

e) Normally, and in discussion with their supervisor(s) and in line with departmental policy, to author initial notes of meetings with their supervisor(s), to ensure mutual understanding of progress, action points and forward plans as necessary. Such notes should be reviewed by their supervisor and agreed by both parties.

f) To take note of the guidance and feedback on their work provided by their supervisor(s) and to recognise that the supervisor’s role is to offer advice on the academic content of the work and its general presentation and not to provide detailed correction of written English.

g) To take note of advice from the supervisor and/or the department of additional training they may require and, in particular, to undertake further training in their English language skills where this is recommended.

h) To inform the supervisor(s) of other individuals with whom the work is being discussed so that this may be taken into account when examiners are recommended for appointment.

i) To contribute to the research environment of the department as appropriate by taking up opportunities to present work at departmental seminars etc. and by engaging in discussion with other researchers.

j) To respect the contribution and intellectual property rights of the supervisor(s) in external output of any form (e.g. publications, patents etc.) emanating from the research, ensuring at all times that any such developments in regards to IP are in line with the University’s Intellectual Property policy.

k) To conduct their work at all times in accordance with University and departmental safety requirements, and to follow ethical guidance provided by the department or supervisor(s).

l) To raise, through the departmental Staff-Student Liaison Committee and Graduate Progress Committee (or equivalent) in the first instance, any general issues related to the resources and facilities available in the department which may affect the progress of research students.

m) To inform their supervisor(s) in good time, should they plan to be away from the University or out of contact for more than two weeks.

n) To provide an annual report to their academic department in line with review procedures.

o) To take the initiative in raising problems or difficulties informally with the supervisor(s) in the first instance, however elementary they may seem, including any matters which may require a suspension of registration or will cause a delay in the expected completion date of the work.

p) To accept a commitment to complete their project and submit their thesis in good time within the period specified by the University and, where ever possible, by the end of the period of fee-paying registration.

q) To notify the University of their intention to submit their thesis, through completion of the form for the Submission of a Research Thesis and the Nomination of Examiners for Research Degrees. Candidates should complete Part 1 of this form and pass it to their supervisor. The Head of the Department/School should then complete Part 2 nominating examiners for the candidate. The complete form should be returned to the Doctoral College at least one month in advance of the date on which it is intended to submit the thesis.

r) To decide when to submit the thesis taking due account of the opinion of the supervisor(s), which is necessarily only advisory and whose agreement to submission is not a guarantee of success. The supervisor(s) should be provided with a complete draft of the thesis in an agreed reasonable time to provide comment and feedback.