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Our blogs

Three female students from CLL discussing something from one of their laptops in a classroom setting

Read blogs written by our teaching staff on topics and events they're interested in, or by students who journaled down a specific topic during their learning. You can also find blogs written by our staff to help you prepare your applications for a programme.

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29 May

Writing on Resilience, Positive Psychology and Empathic Leadership

Three books in a successful business series have recently been written by CLL Coaching alumni Carolyn, Sarah and Tom.

02 Aug 2022

Essential tips from CLL alumni

We have asked our very own alumni to pass on some wisdom. Here is what Clare Burrows, alumna from Early Childhood said.

Tags: alumni
16 Mar 2021

Does imposter syndrome ever go away?

Social Studies alumna Jules Sparkle talks to us about her imposter syndrome, Jeff, while she was doing her MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology in University of East London.

10 Dec 2020

The grounding I received at CLL has enabled me to approach my work with a critical eye

Victoria completed our Postgraduate Award in Careers Leadership in 2019 and set up her own business, because of the renewed confidence in her work she gained from the PGA. Hear what Victoria had to say about her time studying with CLL.

09 Sep 2020

The tutors on the course have been nothing but helpful

Kim Bailey completed our Postgraduate Diploma in Career Education, Information and Guidance in July. Here she shares her learning journey with CLL.

03 Jun 2020

Three ways my MA in Career Development and Coaching has served me well during these uncertain times

Stephanie as a Career Development and Coaching Studies alumna and an executive career coach and professional development consultant shares with us the three ways in which her MA with CLL has served her well during these uncertain times.

Wish to read more student blogs? See what our students have been writing at Warwick's unique student blogs platform: OurWarwick.