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Survey into changing careers across Europe

We would like to invite you to participate in an important study researching how people’s careers are changing across Europe and the different paths people take to develop the knowledge and skills they use at work: how and why you gained qualifications, why you changed jobs or stayed in the same career. The results of the study will feed into a European review of how best to support work-related learning in the light of individuals’ changing patterns of career development. The data may be further analysed to help our understanding of career paths.

If you are willing to help, this will involve:

  • Answering some questions online, which may take around 20 minutes to complete, depending on the amount of detail you wish to provide.
  • Or, if you prefer, a researcher will contact you by telephone. If you prefer to be contacted by telephone, please contact the research team who will arrange a convenient time for you in which to call you back.

Your identity will be treated in the strictest confidence by the research team and the information you provide will be anonymised.

If you are happy to be involved in the study please continue to the online survey. The survey is available in the following languages:

 UK flag English

Contact: Sally-Anne Barnes
Tel.: +44 (0)24 76574397
email: sally-anne dot barnes at warwick dot ac dot uk

 denmarklg.gif Danish (coming soon)

Kontact: Morten Smistrup
e-mail: mortensm at ruc dot dk

 Netherlands flag Dutch

Contact: Loek Nieuwenhuis
e-mail: AFMNieuwenhuis at uvt dot nl

 French flag French

Contact: M’Hamed DiF
Tel.: +33 (0)3 69 78 92 97
e-mail: mdif at cournot dot u-strasbg dot fr

 German flag German

Kontakt: Simone Kirpal
E-Mail: kirpal at uni-bremen dot de

 Italy flag Italian

Contatto: Massimo Tomassini
e-mail: percorsi at reflectivelearning dot it

 Norway flag Norwegian

Kontakt: Marianne Daehlen
e-post: marianne dot daehlen at fafo dot no

 Poland flag Polish

Kontakt: Gavin Rae
e-mail: gavin_rae at poczta dot onet dot pl

 Portugal flag Portuguese

Contato: Luisa Veloso
e-mail: luisa dot veloso at iscte dot pt

 Romania flag Romanian

Contact: Magda Balica
e-mail: magda dot balica at ise dot ro

 Turkey flag Turkish

Adını iletişim: Murat Cagatay
e-posta: murat dot cagatay at lidea dot com dot tr

If you would like to receive more information on the study, or would be happy to be interviewed, by telephone, to talk about your career then please contact:

sally-anne dot barnes at warwick dot ac dot uk (telephone +44 (0)24 76574397).





















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