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Name Description Last Editor Last Updated
Sanctuary of the Muses at Thespiai Sarah Acton 07/02/20
PLACENAMEHERE Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Amphiareion at Oropos Sarah Acton 04/02/20
Apollo at Claros Joseph Manning 12/02/20
Delphi Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Hero Shrine of Menelaus Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Olympia Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Aphaia at Aegina Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Aphrodite at Knidos Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Apollo at Bassai Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Apollo at Delos Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Apollo, Cyrene Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Apollo Ptoieius, Boeotia Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Asclepius, Troizen Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Asklepios, Epidaurus Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Asclepius, Kos Alex Moss 07/02/20
Sanctuary of Athena Lindia, Rhodes Sanctuary of Athena Lindia, Rhodes Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Athena Alea, Tegea Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Demeter at Eleusis Rebecca Battles 04/09/20
Sanctuary of Dionysus, Athens Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Dedications Acropolis at Athens Paul Grigsby 07/02/20
Dedications: Delphi Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Dedications: Olympia Jasmine Thiarai 07/02/20
Sanctuaries in the Athenian Agora Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Asclepius, Messene Nathan Boot 07/02/20
‘Temple of Victory’, Himera Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Dedications: Delos Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuaries of Asclepius and Isis, Dion, Macedonia Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary at Therapnae, Sparta Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Aphrodite, Paphos, Cyprus Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Apollo, Amyclae, Sparta Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, Delphi Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Hera, Argos (The Argive Heraion) Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Hera at Perachora Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Heracles, Thasos Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Hera Lacinia, Croton Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Hera, Samos Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Pelops, Olympia Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of the Cabiri, Thebes Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of the three gods, Messon, Lesbos Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Zeus Amun at Siwa, Egypt Paul Grigsby 26/04/24
Sanctuary of Zeus at Dodona Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Sanctuary of Zeus in Nemea Robert O'Toole 05/12/19
Shrines on the Slopes of the Acropolis Paul Grigsby 11/09/20
Template Robert O'Toole 03/12/19
Temple of Apollo, Corinth Robert O'Toole 17/12/19
Temple of Apollo Daphnephoros at Eretria Robert O'Toole 17/12/19
Temple of Apollo, Delphi Megan Cradock 05/02/20
Temple of Apollo Ismenios, Thebes Robert O'Toole 17/12/19
Temple of Apollo, Selinous Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Apollo, Syracuse Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Apollo, Thermon Robert O'Toole 17/12/19
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Artemis Elaphobolus, Hyampolis Robert O'Toole 17/12/19
Temple of Artemis Orthia, Sparta Robert O'Toole 17/12/19
Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis at Athens Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Athena, Paestum Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Hera, Olympia Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Hera, Paestum Bella Washbourne 07/02/20
Temple of Poseidon at Isthmia Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Poseidon in Sounion Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Zeus at Cyrene, Libya Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Temple of Zeus at Olympia Jess Campion 07/02/20
Temples to Egyptian Gods, Delos Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
The Archaic Temple to Athena, Athens Acropolis Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
The Cave of the Curetes at Ida, Crete Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
The Erechtheum, Acropolis at Athens Yasmine Baroudi 07/02/20
The Hellenion, Naucratis, Egypt Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
The Hephaisteion Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
The Letoon, Xanthus, Lycia Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
The Sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
The Sanctuary of Nemesis at Rhamnous Robert O'Toole 21/01/20
Further Instructions Robert O'Toole 24/01/20
Temple of Zeus Olympios, Agrigento The temple of Zeus Olympios at Agrigento: the largest Doric temple ever built, although never finished, and constructed in 480 BC to celebrate the city-state's victory over Carthage. Robert O'Toole 21/01/20