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Aims and Assessment


  • Acquire an in-depth knowledge of the history and politics of the modern Middle East, the kinds of modern state that have emerged in the region, and the struggles that people have fought to gain political freedoms and economic rights.
  • Analyse and assess a broad range of materials including diplomatic documents, short stories, scholarly texts, and photographs and videos, to explore the many different ways people in the Middle East have come to define and shape their world and also how outsiders have attempted to control and shape this world.
  • Discuss critically and demonstrate ability to construct persuasive arguments in relation to the history and politics of the modern Middle East.
    Undertake research and assessment of readings and lecture material concerning the history of the modern Middle East.
  • Identify problems for investigation and apply critical thinking skills regarding structures of power and wealth in different parts of the region and larger thematic issues organised around questions of political and historical analysis pertaining to the history of the modern Middle East.


  • Assignment 1: Oral presentation (20%)
  • Assignment 2: 2,000 word essay (30%)
  • Assignment 3: 3,000 word essay (50%)

All students taking this module are required to make one oral presentation (in the first half of the term 1), one 2,000 word assessed essay, and one 3,000 word assessed essay. The oral presentation is intended to help you prepare for the 2,000 word essay by receiving feedback from your colleagues and the module covenor. The oral presentation will be a five minute presentation (no slides) taking place in weeks 5, 7, 8, and you will receive feedback. Please see a list of possible essay titles below and advice on making a good presentation here and marking assessment criteria here. Essays should be submitted via Tabula. Please note that there were will be no final examination.

See the Departmental Style Guide on how to format your work and the History Department UG Student Handbook on avoiding PLAGIARISM.

Recommended essay titles with questions to assist the writing of the papers. General guidance for writing essays.

The dates and times by which you should submit your work for assessment are given on Tabula. Extensions may be granted only in exceptional circumstances. All extension requests must be made two working days in advance of the published assessment deadline. Requests for extensions should be made via Tabula.