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Arts Faculty News Read more from Arts Faculty News

A Better World Than This: Shakespeare and Poland

Stratford Herald reported on the cultural insights revealed at the Shakespeare and Poland Festival gala concert for Ambulance Aid which took place at Stratford Town Hall on Sunday evening. The event included a lecture by Tony Howard, Emeritus Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick, entitled A Better World Than This: Shakespeare and Poland.

Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence Read more from Latest Announcements

Classics and Ancient History Read more from Classics News and Events

New Omnibus article

'Augustus’ endless empire' by Alison Cooley just published in Omnibus 87, the magazine for schools

English and Comparative Literary Studies Read more from English & Comparative Literary Studies News

Film and Television Studies Read more from News

History Read more from History News

History of Art Read more from Research Events

Research Excellence Framework 2021

100% of our research is "world-leading" or "internationally excellent"

Thu 12 May 2022, 14:42 | Tags: Public Engagement, Funding, Impact, Research, Research Groups

Theatre and Performance Studies Read more from Theatre and Performance Studies News

Sensing the City: An Urban Room Opens in The Herbert Today!

Sensing the City: An Urban Room is a collaborative exhibition curated by Sarah Shalgosky & Fiona Venables with contributions from artists Michael Lightborne, The Tank, Carolyn Deby/sirenscrossing. The exhibition also hosts a grid map of Coventry designed for Sensing the City by Dave Allen and contributions from Coventrians.

Herbert Gallery

Monday, January 13 to Saturday, January 18.

We are bringing together the findings, stories, questions, images, inspirations and much more from our three years long journey in and around Coventry city centre in this exhibition taking place on 13-18th January 2020 at The Herbert Gallery. We are hoping this exhibition will serve as an Urban Room, to revisit together some of the key questions the research team and commissioned artists have been working with...

  • How can the human body be in measure of the city?
  • How can a focus on human sensing enhance the habitability of urban life?
  • What do the sensed contours, textures and atmospheres of the city tell us about it?
  • Who and what is Coventry city centre for?
  • What kind of city do we wish to live in?
Mon 13 Jan 2020, 15:14 | Tags: Research Impact Sensing the City Events

School of Modern Languages and Cultures Read more from SMLC - News and events

Global Sustainable Development Read more from Global Sustainable Development News

Liberal Arts Read more from Liberal Arts News

Humanities Research Centre Read more from News

Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies Read more from Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events

CCMPS researcher Heidi Ashton invited to be part of the global research fellows network at the creative industries Policy Evidence Centre (PEC)

The creative industries Policy Evidence Centre (PEC) have created a global network of research fellows. The network consists of "leading experts from diverse backgrounds, areas of specialism and parts of the globe. They facilitate knowledge exchange at Creative PEC through seminars, blogs and discussion papers and smaller thematic research networks." Dr Heidi Ashton from the Centre for Culture and Media Policy Studies was invited to join this prestigious group and is looking forward to working and learning with and from them: bringing that learning back to the centre and integrating it into her work with colleagues and students.

Centre for the Study of the Renaissance Read more from News

Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre Read more from News

Global History and Culture Centre Read more from News from the Global History and Culture Centre

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Read more from CIM News