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CCMPS researcher Heidi Ashton invited to be part of the global research fellows network at the creative industries Policy Evidence Centre (PEC)

The creative industries Policy Evidence Centre (PEC) have created a global network of research fellows. The network consists of "leading experts from diverse backgrounds, areas of specialism and parts of the globe. They facilitate knowledge exchange at Creative PEC through seminars, blogs and discussion papers and smaller thematic research networks." Dr Heidi Ashton from the Centre for Culture and Media Policy Studies was invited to join this prestigious group and is looking forward to working and learning with and from them: bringing that learning back to the centre and integrating it into her work with colleagues and students.

Centre for the Study of the Renaissance Read more from News

Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre Read more from News

Global History and Culture Centre Read more from News from the Global History and Culture Centre

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Read more from CIM News

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