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Credit for female screenwriter airbrushed from Hollywood history

Professor JE Smyth's upcoming publication is featured in an article by the Guardian about Mary C McCall Jr, the female screenwriter airbrushed from Hollywood history.

Professor Smyth's new book, "Mary C McCall Jr: The Rise and Fall of Hollywood's Most Powerful Screenwriter", will be published in September and aims to restore Mary C McCall Jr’s reputation as one of the film industry’s most important figures.

Read the article in full.

Wed 17 Jul 2024, 12:23 | Tags: Media Publication

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New publication: 'A Critical History of Poverty Finance' by Dr Nick Bernards

Image credit: Dr Nick Bernards

A new book by Dr Nick Bernards, Associate Professor in GSD, A Critical History of Poverty Finance, has recently been published by Pluto Press. The book looks at the history of financial 'solutions' to global poverty, tracing out links between colonial-era practices and contemporary fintech fads. It shows how past and present efforts to extend access to formal financial services have reinforced and exacerbated embedded patterns of uneven development.

Liberal Arts Read more from Liberal Arts News

New publication: School for Cross-faculty Studies Student Equity Report 2021

We are pleased to announce the publication of the report on the first School for Cross-faculty Studies Student Equity Survey.

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Questionable Allies: British Collaboration with Apartheid South Africa, 1960–90

In 2022, Sam Matthews Boehmer won the inaugural Global History dissertation prize, awarded to the best Warwick UG dissertation in the field of global history. His winning dissertation has now been published in the International History Review,Link opens in a new window and can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

Mon 04 Sep 2023, 11:33 | Tags: Publication, Award, Undergraduate

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Read more from CIM News

New paper by Cámara-Menoyo: "Digital tools for knowledge exchange and sustainable public food procurement in community kindergartens: A case study in Słupsk, Poland"

A new paper from CIM member Carlos Cámara-Menoyo along with Joanna Suchomska, Wojciech Goszczyński, Pia Laborgne, Andrea Pierce, Michał Wróblewski, João Porto de Albuquerque and Simon Jirka has just been published in Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. The paper expands on the work made at Creating Interfaces project and complements the previous paper published in Environmental Science and Policy by focussing on the lessons learnt on food procurement through the implementation of an Urban Living Lab methodology.


This article presents a case study on the experimental co-creation process of a digital platform supporting Sustainable Public Food Procurement (SPFP) in public kindergartens in a medium-sized city in Poland. The organisation of SPFP requires a dedicated technological infrastructure to ensure the information flow among food producers, kindergarten employees, children and parents. To this end, a digital platform was designed to enable contact, assessment of food quality and food procurement environmental impact, and the communication of needs and problems among all the actors involved in the food procurement system for kindergartens. The article also discusses the results of the field research and the method of Urban Living Labs, highlighting the key challenges faced by those seeking to combine knowledge about food and the natural environment with public food procurement. The principal difficulties include the availability, accessibility and possible application of data on the environmental costs of food production, the individualisation of needs and motivations related to public catering in educational facilities, and the specific nature of the public sector responsible for public food procurement.

Tue 02 Jul 2024, 12:20 | Tags: publication

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